During Babita Bhat’s first two years as the Sarpanch of Ladhoo-A village, few knew she led them. She kept it from women, but news spread through student interactions, and they sought her help.
In the 2018 Panchayati elections, Babita bravely contested perceived threats from terrorists. With determination, she overcame the fear of possible harm and emerged victorious. She stayed in Kashmir, despite its difficulties, driven by her father’s wish to see the village thrive.
As Sarpanch, Babita set out to fulfil her father’s dreams by improving the village’s infrastructure. She secured funds to upgrade the Primary Health Center (PHC) into a fully functional facility with a diagnostic laboratory and X-ray machines. Additionally, she revived the defunct agricultural extension office, assisting farmers with soil testing and procuring seeds and fertilizers.
Babita’s approach to governance is exemplary. On the first Monday of every month, she holds Gram Sabha meetings, where representatives from all 25 government departments attend to address the villagers’ grievances directly. This practice was inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s idea of bringing the government closer to the people.
Her dedication extended to the Muslim community as well. She helped construct walls around 24 graveyards, restoring them to peaceful sanctuaries for the departed. She faced resistance when reclaiming land encroached upon for a crematorium but remained undeterred.
For a detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice
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