In the vibrant city of Bareilly, an incredible initiative named Kishori Hamari Shakti Pad Bank has taken root. With a mission to safeguard women and adolescent girls from period-related diseases, this pad bank has embarked on a noble journey. By providing free sanitary pads to economically disadvantaged women and girls, it strives to alleviate their burdens. Let us delve deeper into this groundbreaking endeavour spearheaded by Rakhi Gangwar.
Promoting Awareness and Health:
Rakhi Gangwar, the driving force behind Kishori Hamari Shakti Pad Bank, ardently encourages women and girls in the vicinity to prioritize their menstrual health. Through informative sessions and monthly engaging classes, Rakhi sensitizes them about the importance of using sanitary pads. Moreover, she educates them on the potential health risks of using substandard materials during menstruation. Rakhi ensures that women and girls comprehend the detrimental effects of compromising their hygiene by raising awareness.
Averting Health Risks:
One of the primary objectives of Kishori Hamari Shakti Pad Bank is to eradicate health hazards related to poor menstrual practices. Rakhi and her team diligently enlighten women and girls about the detrimental consequences of neglecting proper hygiene during periods. The pad bank catalyzes change by highlighting the adverse effects of unhygienic practices. By disseminating crucial information, Rakhi ensures that women and girls make informed decisions, safeguarding their well-being.
Empowering Women and Girls:
The remarkable campaign initiated by Kishori Hamari Shakti Pad Bank has profoundly impacted women and girls in the region. Empowerment lies at the heart of this initiative, as it offers a glimmer of hope for the underprivileged members of society. By providing free sanitary pads, the pad bank extends a helping hand to economically vulnerable women and girls, enabling them to manage their menstrual cycles with dignity. This empowerment resonates throughout the community, fostering a positive change in attitudes toward menstrual health.
Kishori Hamari Shakti Pad Bank, founded by Rakhi Gangwar in Bareilly, is transforming menstrual health for women and girls. Through awareness, free pads, and proper practices, this initiative uplifts economically disadvantaged individuals. Support this commendable campaign for societal benefits.
Also Read: Breaking the Silence: Normalizing Menstruation and Challenging Taboos
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