HomeEDUCATION NETWORKForum for Muslim Women Gender Justice in Kerala

Forum for Muslim Women Gender Justice in Kerala

The Forum for Muslim Women’s Gender Justice was launched in December 2022 by a group of progressive women and social organizations in Kerala to mobilize public opinion against gender inequality in the Muslim Personal Law (MPL).

In March, the Forum held a State-level meeting in Kozhikode to question the discriminatory aspects of the Muslim law of inheritance and the denial of equal divorce rights to Muslim women. One of the women who spoke at the meeting was Rubiya Sainudheen, whose father’s property was divided among his brothers as per MPL, leaving her with only half the assets.

Actor-lawyer C. Shukoor also opted out of MPL to ensure his daughters would not lose their share of the inheritance to his brothers.

For a detailed story, visit: Awaz the voice

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