Born in 1921, Hashim Ansari‘s life began in Ayodhya amidst the esteemed Ansari family. However, tragedy struck when his father, Karim Baksh Ansari, passed away prematurely, plunging the family into poverty. Despite the hardships, Hashim’s family persevered, with his elder brother Qasim establishing a cycle repair shop, where Hashim learned the trade.
From Tailoring to Auto Rickshaws: Hashim’s Journey
Hashim’s journey led him from a cycle repair apprentice to a skilled tailor. In 1990, his son Iqbal Ansari joined the workforce by becoming an auto-rickshaw driver. This progression reflected Hashim’s determination to overcome adversity.
Witnessing History: The Babri Masjid Controversy
In 1949, Hashim Ansari found himself as an eyewitness to the appearance of Ramlala’s idol in the contentious Babri Masjid. Subsequently, in 1952, he faced a two-year imprisonment for proclaiming Azaan from the disputed premises.
Legal Battles and Advocacy
Hashim Ansari’s involvement in the Faizabad Civil Court’s case for ownership rights in 1961 marked a significant chapter. Despite his non-political stance, he opposed Congress policies during the Emergency, leading to his arrest. His commitment to the legal battle continued until his demise in 2016, with his son Iqbal Ansari taking up the cause.
The Gandhian Spirit and Social Harmony
Hashim Ansari’s dedication to social harmony earned him the title “Gandhi of Ayodhya.” His simple living and high thinking principles, coupled with his resilience, were recognized by the Pasmanda organization Ansar Sabha, who dubbed him the “Angel of Peace.”
Upholding Values Amidst Challenges
Even after rioters burned his house in 1992, Hashim Ansari, attributing his survival to Hindu neighbors, maintained his commitment to social harmony. His son Iqbal Ansari continued this legacy by running a taxi service for Hindu pilgrims.
Legacy of Harmony and Peacemaking Efforts
Hashim Ansari’s efforts for an out-of-court settlement in the Janambhoomi dispute displayed his commitment to harmony. Despite facing opposition, he worked towards a peaceful resolution until his last breath, earning acknowledgment from the Ram Janmabhoomi Trust.
Standing Against Communalism
Hashim Ansari staunchly opposed Ashrafism and communalism, criticizing the Ashraf Ulema and leaders for their lack of genuine efforts in resolving the dispute.
For a detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice
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