HomeENGLISHYusuf Meherally: The Young Freedom Fighter Who Coined "Quit India" 

Yusuf Meherally: The Young Freedom Fighter Who Coined “Quit India” 

Jaya Prakash Narayan honored Yusuf Meherally, youngest Mumbai mayor and Quit India Movement leader, as a lifelong inspiration, second only to Mahatma Gandhi.

Yusuf Meherally was a young freedom fighter who died at just 44 years old on 2 July 1950. He got sick in British jail during the Quit India Movement. He was good at organising people and giving speeches. In 1927, he became famous during protests the Simon Commission. 

The “Simon Go Back” Slogan 

Meherally started the Bombay Youth League to fight against the British government. When the Simon Commission came to India, there was heavy security. Meherally and his friends dressed up as coolies to enter Mumbai port. When the commission got off the ship, they showed black flags and shouted, “Simon Go Back”. This slogan became very popular all over India. People shouted it, wrote it on walls, and even flew kites with it. But many didn’t know that Meherally had made up this slogan. 

Role in the Quit India Movement 

Meherally became an important socialist leader and was close to Mahatma Gandhi. When Gandhi decided to start a big movement in 1942, Meherally helped plan it. He even gave it the name “Quit India Movement”, which Gandhi liked. Before the movement started, Meherally helped organize secret camps to prepare for the leaders’ arrests. He told many people to go underground to keep fighting. 

As the Mayor of Mumbai, Meherally knew about the government’s plans. He used this information to help the freedom struggle. In a big meeting, he told people that they would not just fill up jails this time, but they would stop the whole British government in India from working. Meherally’s work was very important for the 1942 revolution. He planned well and made sure the fight for freedom would continue even if the main leaders were arrested. 

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

Also Read:The Magic of Storytelling: Shazi Zaman 

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