HomeENGLISHThe Keeper of Jewish Heritage: Thoufeek Zakriya

The Keeper of Jewish Heritage: Thoufeek Zakriya

Zakriya's interest in Jewish culture led him to develop a unique style of calligraphy, encompassing Hebrew, Arabic, and Armenic.

Zakriya, a Madrasa student, was not interested in the stories of exiled Jews, but he was fascinated by the crowds of tourists entering the synagogue in silence. When Zakriya and his father arrived at the synagogue , the doorman said the synagogue was closed for the day. However, a kind Jewish man who was lighting a lamp inside came out and led them in, smiling. Zakriya saw graffiti in Hebrew and a finely carved Torah inside.

Discovering Ancient Tombs and Artifacts

Over the years, most of Kerala’s Jews have moved to Israel, and Zakriya has become a keeper and historian of Jewish memorabilia and artifacts. When an ancient tomb with Hebrew inscriptions was discovered in Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, Zakriya was called to decipher the inscriptions, which dated back to 1225 AD, making it older than the tomb in Chendamangalam, Kerala, which was previously believed to be the oldest.

Calligraphy and Connections

Zakriya’s interest in Jewish culture led him to start a blog and Facebook page called “Jews of Malabar.” This caught the attention of Reuven Rivlin, the President of Israel, who wanted to meet Zakriya after seeing his post about a unique 18th-century Hebrew Quran. Zakriya also developed a close friendship with Sarah Cohen, a respected member of the Jewish community in Kochi, who treated him like a grandson and introduced him to the community.

Zakriya’s passion for learning new languages and practicing calligraphy started from his school days. He even developed a set of Chinese-like characters to communicate with his friends secretly. After failing his 12th-grade exams due to his dedication to learning about Jewish culture, Zakriya graduated in Hotel Management, as his family was involved in the food business. However, his love for calligraphy and research never faded, and he has become an internationally renowned calligrapher in Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic, as well as a researcher of Cochin Jewish history.

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

Also Read:The Magic of Storytelling: Shazi Zaman 

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