HomeENGLISHCrafting Organic Kashmir Soaps: Sana Aftab - An Insight into Her Journey

Crafting Organic Kashmir Soaps: Sana Aftab – An Insight into Her Journey

Sana Aftab's story is a testament to the power of passion, entrepreneurship, and the rich natural resources of Kashmir.

In the scenic district of Srinagar, a young and talented woman has embarked on a remarkable journey of crafting customized Kashmiri soaps enriched with herbs and saffron. Sana Aftab, originally hailing from Rainawari in Srinagar and now residing in Baghat Barzulla, has introduced her soap venture, aptly named the ‘Mountain Soap Company,’ which has received an overwhelmingly positive response.

Discovering the Art of Soap Making

Sana Aftab’s journey into soap-making began as a simple hobby. During the challenging lockdown period, she stumbled upon soap-making tutorials on YouTube, finding the process incredibly creative and intriguing. Sana recalls, “Our skin often suffers from dryness due to the use of conventional soaps, and that’s when I realized the need for organic alternatives that would nourish and soften the skin.”

From Personal Use to Popular Demand

Initially, Sana Aftab started crafting these exquisite soaps for her personal use. However, something remarkable happened as she began sharing them with her relatives and close friends. Those who experienced the benefits of her organic soaps started clamoring for more. Sana recalls, “My friends were so impressed that they urged me to produce these soaps on a larger scale.” Responding to their enthusiasm, she founded the ‘Mountain Soap Company,’ it took a little while for her venture to gain traction.

Mountain Soap Company
Organic Kashmir Soaps (Mountain Soap Company Product)

A Journey of Education and Experience

Sana Aftab’s academic journey took her from the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar, where she pursued engineering, to the University of Manchester, where she completed her MBA. She subsequently gained professional experience working in various countries. During her travels, she realized the untapped potential of the bountiful resources in Kashmir. “Kashmir is a land of immense fertility, and there is a compelling need to explore its abundant resources,” she observes. Recognizing the ease of starting an organic soap venture with locally available, mostly wild-grown ingredients, Sana Aftab embraced the entrepreneurial spirit.

Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Sana passionately encourages the youth of Kashmir to seize opportunities beyond the confines of government jobs. She asserts, “We are in an era of knowledge creation and sharing, and we must break free from the notion that government jobs are the only path to success.” In alignment with her vision, mobile work has gained prominence, and the government actively promotes entrepreneurship in the region.

Crafting Nature’s Bounty

The ‘Mountain Soap Company’ specializes in crafting soaps infused with diverse natural ingredients, including herbs, spices, nuts, water soil, walnut oil, and lavender. Sana’s products have garnered widespread acclaim, attracting interest from numerous companies for potential collaborations and promotions.

Quality and Dedication

Selling at a reasonable price of Rs 200 per piece, these meticulously handcrafted soaps have become popular choices for weddings and special occasions. Crafting each soap is a labor of love, taking approximately half an hour, with an additional three weeks required for the soap to cure fully. Sana’s dedication to producing quality organic products has resonated with customers, leading to an overwhelmingly positive response.

Crafting Organic Kashmir Soaps
Organic Kashmir Soaps (Mountain Soap Company Product)

Expanding Horizons

Sana Aftab’s journey is not just about crafting exquisite organic soaps; it’s about creating opportunities for others. Her vision extends beyond soap making, with plans to introduce more organic products that generate employment opportunities and contribute to the region’s growth.

In conclusion, Sana Aftab’s story is a testament to the power of passion, entrepreneurship, and the rich natural resources of Kashmir. Her ‘Mountain Soap Company’ offers exceptional organic products and embodies the spirit of innovation and empowerment, shaping the future of Kashmir’s youth.

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