HomeENGLISHDr. Azra Nalatwad: Weaving a Legacy of Compassion and Excellence 

Dr. Azra Nalatwad: Weaving a Legacy of Compassion and Excellence 

Dr. Azra Nalatwad’s family has an incredible story of resilience and determination. Her forefathers migrated from Andhra Pradesh to the small town of Karnul in Karnataka, where her father, Abdul Khader Karnul, hailed from a family of weavers. Despite facing poverty and hardships, Abdul Khader’s unwavering dream was to become a doctor. Through sheer grit and self-study, he excelled in his studies and became the first in the family to achieve an MBBS degree, specializing as an ENT physician. 

A Family United in Service 

Inspired by her parents’ tireless efforts, Dr. Azra resolved to follow in their footsteps. Her mother, a former schoolteacher, was motivated by Abdul Khader to complete her MBBS and become a gynecologist. Together, they instilled in their children the importance of education and serving the community. Today, Dr. Azra’s family is a beacon of medical excellence, with her siblings pursuing careers as dentists, pathologists, neurosurgeons, and doctors with MBA degrees. 

Compassionate Care and Empathetic Communication 

As an anatomy teacher in a Karnataka medical college, Dr. Azra emphasizes the significance of empathetic communication and compassionate care. She encourages her students to develop strong doctor-patient relationships, explaining procedures, seeking consent, and providing a personal touch. “A patient needs to feel trust in a doctor to return to them,” she says, lamenting the detachment and indifference prevalent in modern healthcare practices. 

Serving the Underprivileged with Affordable Healthcare 

Driven by her father’s advice to give back to society, Dr. Azra is set to open a clinic in Bengaluru, aiming to provide affordable healthcare to underprivileged communities. She envisions a place where patients can receive immediate treatment for minor illnesses without the burden of exorbitant fees and unnecessary procedures often encountered in larger healthcare facilities. Her goal is to ensure that the poor have access to quality healthcare without financial strain, fostering trust and compassion in the doctor-patient relationship. 

Dr. Azra Nalatwad’s journey from a family of weavers to a family of esteemed medical professionals is a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and a commitment to serving others. Her clinic in Bengaluru promises to be a beacon of hope, offering compassionate care and affordable healthcare to those in need. 

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

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