HomeDNN24 SPECIALFrom Hobby to Business: Musfika Hussain Inspiring Journey After Retirement

From Hobby to Business: Musfika Hussain Inspiring Journey After Retirement

Retired teacher Musfika Hussain turned her childhood embroidery hobby into a successful business. Her story shows how pursuing passions in retirement can lead to unexpected opportunities and fulfillment.

Musfika Hussain, a retired teacher from Assam, India, has shown us that retirement is not the end of one’s productive life, but can be the beginning of an exciting new chapter. After many years of dedicated service in the classroom, Musfika found herself at a crossroads when retirement arrived. Like many retirees, she wondered what the future held. But instead of letting uncertainty overwhelm her, Musfika chose to embrace her childhood hobby – embroidery. This decision not only provided her with a fulfilling pastime but also unexpectedly became a source of income and brought her into the spotlight. Musfika’s story is a testament to the power of pursuing one’s passions, regardless of age. It reminds us that our hobbies and interests can lead to unexpected opportunities if we give them the chance to flourish. Her journey from a retired teacher to a successful artisan is an inspiration for anyone looking to find purpose and joy in their golden years.

Musfika Hussain Making Ribbon Art (Photos:DNN24)

Discovering Ribbon Art

Musfika’s journey into the world of ribbon art began with a chance encounter at an exhibition in Guwahati in 1997-98. Among the stalls showcasing various crafts, she stumbled upon some foreign booths displaying small bags adorned with intricate ribbon embroidery. The delicate and beautiful designs immediately caught her eye, reminding her of her childhood passion for embroidery. Despite the high price tags on these items, Musfika was captivated by the art form and saw potential in it. Trusting her instincts and creative abilities, she purchased two small bags as samples. This moment of curiosity and self-belief marked the beginning of Musfika’s adventure in ribbon art. It’s a powerful reminder that inspiration can strike at any time and in unexpected places. Musfika’s story encourages us to keep our eyes open for new opportunities and to trust in our abilities to learn and adapt to new skills, even later in life.

Ribbon Art (Photos:DNN24)

Learning and Perfecting the Craft

What sets Musfika’s journey apart is her self-taught approach to mastering ribbon art. Instead of enrolling in formal courses, she relied on her natural talent and years of experience with traditional embroidery. Her first project was a computer screen cover, which she crafted after studying the bags she had purchased. The positive response from her family members encouraged her to continue exploring this new art form. Musfika’s approach to learning ribbon art demonstrates the value of building upon existing skills and knowledge. Her background in traditional embroidery provided a strong foundation for this new craft. This self-directed learning process allowed Musfika to develop her unique style and techniques. Her story is a reminder that formal education isn’t always necessary to acquire new skills. Sometimes, passion, practice, and perseverance are the key ingredients for mastering a new craft.

Musfika Making Ribbon Art (Photos:DNN24)

From Hobby to Business: The COVID-19 Catalyst

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, while challenging for many, provided Musfika with an unexpected opportunity. With schools closed and more time at home, she found herself with ample hours to dedicate to her newfound passion for ribbon art. This period of forced isolation became a time of intense creativity and productivity for Musfika. She used her free time to create a variety of items adorned with her ribbon embroidery. As visitors to her home saw her creations, they were impressed by the unique and beautiful designs. Many expressed interest in purchasing these items, as ribbon-embroidered products were not readily available in the local market. This organic interest from friends and family became the catalyst for Musfika to transform her hobby into a small business venture. Her story illustrates how challenging times can sometimes open doors to new opportunities if we remain open and adaptable.

Musfika’s Ribbon Art (Photos:DNN24)

The Unique Appeal of Ribbon Embroidery

Ribbon embroidery, as practiced by Musfika, is a special form of decorative needlework that uses ribbon instead of thread to create raised, three-dimensional designs. This technique allows for the creation of intricate and lifelike patterns, particularly floral designs, which have a depth and texture that traditional embroidery can’t match. Musfika explains that the unique quality of ribbon embroidery lies in how the ribbon twists and turns, creating natural-looking curves and shapes. This requires a different set of skills compared to regular embroidery, as the artist must carefully control how the ribbon is placed and secured to achieve the desired effect. The result is a tactile, almost sculptural form of embroidery that adds a luxurious touch to any item it adorns. Musfika’s mastery of this art form demonstrates her keen eye for detail and her ability to bring designs to life through careful manipulation of the ribbon.

Musfika’s Ribbon Art (Photos:DNN24)

Building a Brand and Finding Customers

As word of Musfika’s beautiful ribbon art spread, she began to build a small but loyal customer base. She started selling her creations at local fairs and exhibitions, where her unique products quickly gained attention. Recognizing the power of social media in today’s digital age, Musfika, with the help of her daughter, set up a Facebook page called “Mastika Ribbon Art” and an Instagram account under “masfikahussain05”. These platforms allowed her to showcase her work to a wider audience and connect with potential customers beyond her immediate circle. Her product range includes table cloths, cushion covers, dining mats, and other decorative items, with prices ranging from 400 to 1600 rupees depending on the complexity of the design and size of the item. Despite the growing demand, Musfika has chosen to keep her business small-scale, focusing on quality over quantity and maintaining a balance with her household responsibilities.

Musfika’s Ribbon Art (Photos:DNN24)

Balancing Passion and Practicality

Musfika’s approach to her ribbon art business reflects a thoughtful balance between pursuing her passion and maintaining a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. She views her craft not as a full-time job, but as a fulfilling way to spend her free time while earning some extra income. This perspective allows her to enjoy the creative process without the pressure of meeting large-scale production demands. Musfika’s daughter has learned the art of ribbon embroidery as well, helping with exhibitions and managing the social media presence of the business. However, the focus remains on education for the younger generation, with ribbon art being a shared interest rather than a primary career path. This approach to business demonstrates how retirees can find ways to monetize their hobbies without overextending themselves, creating a pleasant and sustainable post-retirement lifestyle.

Musfika’s Facebook Profile (Photos:DNN24)

The Ripple Effect of Pursuing Passions

Musfika’s journey from a retired teacher to a successful artisan has had impacts beyond her personal fulfilment and financial gain. Her story has inspired others in her community to explore their own passions and consider how they might turn their hobbies into small businesses. By showcasing her work at local exhibitions and through social media, Musfika has also helped to revive interest in traditional crafts and handmade items. Her success serves as a reminder of the value of handcrafted goods in an age of mass production. Moreover, Musfika’s story challenges stereotypes about retirement and ageing, showing that one’s later years can be a time of creativity, growth, and new beginnings. Through her ribbon art, Musfika has not only created beautiful objects but has also woven a tapestry of inspiration for others to follow their dreams, regardless of age or life stage.

Musfika’s Instagram Profile (Photos:DNN24)

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