HomeENGLISHEmpowering Indian Muslim Women:  Ledby Foundation Initiative

Empowering Indian Muslim Women:  Ledby Foundation Initiative

Ruha Shadab, a Harvard-educated medical expert, gave insights into the founding ideas and influential activities of the “Ledby Foundation”. Shadab’s path from Lady Harding Medical College in New Delhi to Harvard University highlights her dedication to tackling the underrepresentation of Muslim women in the professional realm and developing their independence.

Addressing Socioeconomic Disparities

The birth of “Ledby Foundation” came from Shadab’s observations of the apparent lack of Muslim women in different professional arenas. Motivated by personal experiences and a desire to empower people like her mother, whose talent went untapped owing to cultural constraints, Shadab began on a mission to promote the professional growth of Indian Muslim women.

Shadab’s desire to concentrate on this particular demographic derives from her deep-rooted identity and a feeling of duty towards her community. Recognizing the universal difficulties of underemployment and educational underachievement, she considers her endeavour comparable to diagnosing a medical condition: recognizing the individual impediments and personalizing remedies appropriately.

Inclusive Leadership and Collaborative Efforts

Central to the Ledby Foundation’s ethos is its inclusive attitude, illustrated by the varied mix of its workforce and supporters. Shadab underlines that the quest of empowering Muslim women crosses religious borders, attracting support from persons of all religions who share a shared objective of societal upliftment.

The Foundation’s programs, largely offered online, cover a variety of training courses and mentoring opportunities suited to the requirements of young Muslim women. From polishing critical skills such as communication and negotiation to establishing a supporting network via mentoring and peer interactions, these efforts seek to provide participants with the tools and confidence to navigate the professional environment efficiently.

Through its virtual fellowships, Ledby Foundation tries to expedite the career paths of Indian Muslim women, bridging the gap between education and work. By developing a community of empowered people, the Foundation empowers its members and contributes to a more inclusive and fair society.

For a detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

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