HomeENGLISHFrom Homemaker to International Tennis Star: Nazneen Rahman Zaffar 

From Homemaker to International Tennis Star: Nazneen Rahman Zaffar 

Nazneen Rahman Zaffar, a homemaker, mother, and ideal daughter-in-law from Guwahati, also holds the title of international tennis player.

Nazneen Rahman Zaffar of Guwahati is not your typical tennis player. At 40-plus, this homemaker, mother, and daughter-in-law has made a name for herself in international tennis. 

Nazneen’s sports journey began late. “I played sports in school but never professionally. I started playing tennis in 2011, after marriage,” she says. Within a year, she was competing in state-level tournaments. Her quick progress led her to national-level competitions. 

After a break to care for her family, Nazneen returned stronger. She finished in the top 10 at the ITF Masters and captained India’s women’s team at the World Championships in Portugal. 

Balancing Family and Tennis 

Nazneen’s success proves that age and family responsibilities are no barrier to achieving one’s dreams. She manages her home and excels in sports, inspiring many. 

Her daughter Raina, now studying in Texas, played a big role in Nazneen’s tennis journey. “When I took Raina for tennis training, I too wanted to play,” Nazneen recalls. Encouraged by friends, she decided to give competitive tennis a try. 

Her hard work paid off. Nazneen has won several titles, including the All-Assam CTC Mixed Doubles (2023, 2024), Masters tournaments in Guwahati, Darjeeling, and Gurugram (2023), and a doubles title in Thailand. 

Fitness and Empowerment 

Nazneen breaks the myth that mothers can’t stay fit. She’s now a fitness influencer on social media, sharing tips she learned while managing her daughter’s tennis training. 

“It’s difficult for women my age to keep fit after having children. Many give up self-care,” Nazneen says. “But every woman should take care of herself, not just for sports, but for physical and mental health.” 

She advises women to walk, do yoga, and stay active, especially after 30 when muscle formation slows down and during menopause when hormonal changes occur. Nazneen’s story shows that with determination, women can excel in sports at any age, while balancing family life. 

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

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