HomeENGLISHA Visit to a Khanqah: Finding Peace and Spiritual Healing

A Visit to a Khanqah: Finding Peace and Spiritual Healing

Driving to Haji Musafir Khana in bustling Guwahati is captivating, with vendors and mixed scents of fruits and barbecues.

Driving to Haji Musafir Khana in bustling Guwahati is captivating. Roadsides are lined with vendors selling fruits, clothes, and hardware, while the air fills with scents of sweet fruit, flowers, smoke, barbecues, and samosas.

Badar Ali, a man with a red beard, greeted me at the entrance. He kindly showed me around when I said it was my first visit. The building had cool white floors and a calm feeling. There were small rooms for people to stay in and pray.

Prayer and Spiritual Practices

The prayer hall had thick, soft carpets. Praying there felt special. Badar Ali, who is also a spiritual teacher, said Allah would hear my prayers. He told me that pilgrims usually come from April to June, staying for a month. They get free food and lodging, so they can focus on prayer.

The khanqah follows the five daily Muslim prayer times: Fajr (before sunrise), Dhuhr (after noon), Asr (late afternoon), Maghrib (after sunset), and Isha (before sleep). Badar Ali said praying gives people strength and peace.

Open to All Seekers

Badar Ali explained that people from all religions, especially Hindus and Muslims, come to the khanqah. Many come with troubles, seeking spiritual healing. In the khanqah, spiritual leaders talk about important matters and help people solve their problems.

Sometimes they have music and dance sessions to help pilgrims feel better. Badar Ali said, “Some people come with lots of troubles, broken and in pain. They’re open to any spiritual truth to get their lives back. We have equal numbers of men and women visiting.”

The khanqah welcomes everyone, no matter their background. It offers a place for people to pray, think deeply, and find peace. Many leave feeling spiritually refreshed and better able to face their daily lives.

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

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