HomeENGLISHJAMMU & KASHMIRThe Story of Apple Pai: A Business Partnership Born from Friendship

The Story of Apple Pai: A Business Partnership Born from Friendship

Bradee and Farooq's friendship and shared passion for entrepreneurship have led to the creation of Apple Pai, a snack that is not only tasty but also promotes health and supports the local economy.

Apple Pai is a delicious and nutritious snack option that has grown in popularity recently. Unlike traditional fried chips, apple chips are made by dehydrating sliced apples, resulting in a crispy and crunchy texture packed with natural sweetness. With an array of different flavours available, including cinnamon, caramel, and even spicy varieties, apple chips offer a versatile and healthy snack option that is perfect for satisfying your cravings while still sticking to a healthy diet. Whether on the go or just looking for a tasty treat, apple chips are a great choice for any occasion.

The Birth of an Idea:

During one of their conversations, Bradee Lee and Farooq Ahmad discussed starting a business to manufacture products made from apples, an abundant fruit in the region. Exploring different options, they focused on creating dehydrated apple chips with various flavours.

Apple Pai
Apple Pai: Products (Apple Chip)

The Launch of Apple Pai:

After months of hard work, the duo launched their product, Apple Pai, which quickly gained popularity. The chips are a healthier alternative to fried chips and come in different flavours, making them a hit among health-conscious and snack-loving consumers.

The Manufacturing Process:

Apple Pai’s manufacturing process involves:

  • Carefully selecting high-quality apples.
  • Slicing them into thin pieces.
  • Dehydrating them to perfection.

The chips are then seasoned with various natural flavours, such as cinnamon and honey, to create a unique and tasty snack.

Brady Lee and Farooq Ahmad
Brady Lee, an American citizen making apple pie in Kashmir partnership with Farooq Ahmad

The Local Impact:

The launch of Apple Pai has had a positive impact on the local community in Kashmir. The business provides employment opportunities to the residents, and the increased demand for apples has boosted the local economy. In addition, the use of locally-sourced apples supports the region’s agricultural industry.

The Future of Apple Pai:

With the success of their first product, Bradee and Farooq are now looking to expand their business and offer more apple-based products. They are also exploring new markets and partnerships to bring their healthy and delicious snacks to more consumers worldwide.


A chance meeting between two strangers became a successful business partnership. Bradee and Farooq’s friendship and shared passion for entrepreneurship have led to the creation of Apple Pai, a snack that is not only tasty but also promotes health and supports the local economy. The future looks bright for this dynamic duo as they continue to innovate and grow their business.

Brady Lee and Farooq Ahmad
Brady Lee, an American citizen making apple pie in Kashmir partnership with Farooq Ahmad

Also Read: Pampore – The Fragrant Hub of Kashmiri Saffron Production

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