HomeENGLISHASSAMAn undergraduate from Assam has developed a new online payment system called...

An undergraduate from Assam has developed a new online payment system called Assam Pay

Assam Pay Commission is a money transfer application: In today’s digital age, online payment applications such as PhonePe, Google Pay, and PayTM have become convenient for transactions across India. However, one young man from Assam has taken it further by developing his online payment system, named Assam Pay Commission.

Mustafizur Rahman, a resident of Dalgaon in the Darang district, has recently received government approval and recognition for his money transfer application. The app is registered with the Government of India’s ‘Bharat Bill Payment System’ and is available on the Google Play Store.

Mustafizur Rahman, an undergraduate from Assam

Mustafizur, an undergraduate student pursuing B-Voc IT at Kharupetia College, has been interested in technology since childhood. He spends most of his day with his mobile phone and computer and has submitted his app for registration with India Start Up. He also plans to register his innovation with Assam Start-Up.

When asked about his inspiration for creating the app, Mustafizur said,”I had been considering developing this app for quite some time.

I was also having money difficulties.

The app has received government approval

But, during the last three months, I’ve been able to get active with the app. People may recharge, transfer money, and pay bills using services such as PhonePe, Google Pay, and PayTM.

Our Assam Pay app has all of the functionality seen in the most popular applications. When people recharge on other applications, they may not always receive rewards.

App is available on google store

However, through our app, customers receive rewards for each transaction.” He added that he was always interested in mobile phones and computers and used apps like Google Pay and PhonePe. He realized that while many people used these apps, there needed to be more profitable for the users. It sparked his idea to create his app with added features such as cashback for every transaction.

Young entrepreneur’s dedication to improving the user experience

Mustafizur’s dedication to his app is evident in his commitment to addressing any issues users face. He stated, “Those who have used our app are very happy. We take the problems faced by the users seriously and try to fix them as soon as possible. In our app, there is a help link, click on it, and you can call or message. If you tell us your problem, we will fix it.”

The young entrepreneur also has plans to add more features to the Assam Pay app in the future. He said, “Like the way updates keep coming on other apps, Assam Pay users will also be able to get new features through new updates.” He also hinted at another big project in the works but was unwilling to reveal any details.

In conclusion, Mustafizur Rahman’s creation of the Assam Pay Commission app is a testament to the power of innovation and the potential of young entrepreneurs. His app has the potential to change the way people in Assam make transactions, and it is exciting to see what new features and services he will bring to the table in the future.

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