HomeENGLISHBeauty in Islam: A Harmony of Art and beauty

Beauty in Islam: A Harmony of Art and beauty

Islam is a religion that celebrates and promotes beauty in diverse forms, from architectural marvels to poetic masterpieces.

Art and beauty are integral to human life, shaping perceptions and leaving lasting imprints on the mind. While Islam is occasionally criticized for allegedly stifling artistic expression, a closer examination reveals a rich tradition that appreciates and celebrates beauty in various forms.

Islamic Embrace of Beauty:

Contrary to misconceptions, Islam places a high value on aesthetics, evident in everyday life, architecture, and personal conduct. The Taj Mahal and Alhambra stand as architectural marvels created by Muslims, showcasing the profound integration of beauty within Islamic tradition.

Prophet’s Emphasis on Beauty:

The Prophet Muhammad’s teachings emphasize the divine connection to beauty, declaring, “God is beautiful and loves beauty.” He demonstrated the importance of beautification, urging companions to maintain cleanliness and embody beauty in character and soul.

Expansive Notion of Beauty in Islam:

Islam transcends superficial appearances, considering the beauty of character and soul as paramount. This holistic perspective aligns with Socratic ideals, reinforcing the profound interconnection of internal and external beauty.

Artistic Flourish in Islamic Civilization:

Islamic civilization boasts literary masterpieces from mystic poets like Rumi and architectural wonders such as the Badshahi Mosque and the Alhambra. Beauty permeates every facet of life, reflected in the eloquent works of poets and the grandeur of architectural creations.

Quranic Arts:

Muslims elevated the arts of Quranic recitation and calligraphy into a sophisticated science, showcasing reverence for the divine word. Instances like Qari Abdul Basit’s recitation moving the USSR Parliament attest to the transcendent beauty found in Quranic verses.

Challenges to Islamic Beauty:

In recent times, some factions within Islam have exhibited destructive tendencies, demolishing cultural heritage and imposing bans on artistic expressions. The Wahabi influence in Saudi Arabia and the Taliban’s destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha statues stand as unfortunate examples contradicting the Islamic appreciation for art and beauty.


Contrary to misperceptions, Islam is a religion that celebrates and promotes beauty in diverse forms, from architectural marvels to poetic masterpieces. The essence of Islamic beauty lies not only in external manifestations but also in the elevation of the soul, fostering a harmonious integration of art and spirituality.

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Also Read: Embracing Eternity: The Heartfelt Story of the Mini Taj Mahal in Guwahati, Assam

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