HomeENGLISHFloating Wonder: Kashmir's Unique Post Office on Dal Lake

Floating Wonder: Kashmir’s Unique Post Office on Dal Lake

In Kashmir's Dal Lake, the world's only floating post office, established over 200 years ago, is known as the Heritage Post Office, formerly Nehru Post Office.

In the middle of Kashmir’s beautiful Dal Lake, there’s a special post office that floats on water. This post office has been around for more than 200 years, since the time when the British ruled India. It’s not just any post office – it’s the only floating post office in the whole world! At first, people called it the Nehru Post Office. But now, everyone knows it as the Heritage Post Office or the Floating Post Office. It’s a big deal because it’s so old and so special.

From Simple Boat to Tourist Attraction

This post office didn’t always look nice. In the beginning, it was just a simple houseboat. But in the last few years, the government made it look much better. They fixed it up and made it pretty. Now, it looks great and many tourists come to see it.The post office is built like a normal house, but it floats on the lake. Inside and outside, it’s decorated in a special way that makes people want to look at it. Tourists love to take photos of this unusual post office.

Unique Post Office (Photos:DNN24)

More Than Just a Post Office : Museum of Stamps

You might think this is just a place to send letters, but it’s much more than that. People who live near Dal Lake use this post office for many things. They can save money here, send parcels, and use other postal services.The post office has a special stamp that shows a houseboat on Dal Lake. When people send letters from here, the stamp makes their envelopes special – like a souvenir from Kashmir.

One of the best things about this post office is that it has a museum inside. This museum has many unique stamps from different times. Tourists who come here love to look at these stamps and learn about their history.

Museum of Stamps (Photos:DNN24)

Dal Lake is a busy place. Many people live and work around the lake. For them, this floating post office is very important. It helps them with their daily work and keeps them connected with the rest of the world.The post office also tells people about new government schemes. This helps the local people know about things that can help them. The workers at the post office try hard to make it better every day.

Must-Visit Place for Tourists

Dal Lake is famous all over the world. People call it the “jewel of Srinagar”. Every year, thousands of tourists come to see this beautiful lake. And when they come, they always visit the floating post office. Almost every tourist who comes to Dal Lake wants to see this special post office. They send postcards to their family and friends from here. It’s a way to tell everyone, “Look, I sent this from a post office that floats on water!” The government also does a lot to tell people about this post office. They advertise it so that more and more people will know about it and come to see it.

Interior Designs are Amazing (Photos:DNN24)

Future Looks Bright

The floating post office has been around for a long time, and it looks like it will stay for many more years. As more people learn about it on social media and through friends, it becomes more famous.The people who run the post office are always thinking of new ways to make it better. They know that the more interesting they make it, the more people will want to come.

This post office is not just important for tourists. It’s also a big part of Kashmir’s history and culture. It shows how old things can still be useful and exciting in today’s world. So, if you ever go to Kashmir, don’t forget to visit this amazing floating post office on Dal Lake. Send a letter, buy a stamp, or just look around. It’s a place where history, beauty, and daily life all come together in a very special way.

Unique Post Office (Photos:DNN24)

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