In mid-December, Suman and her husband, Diwan Arora, went on a pilgrimage to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu, a revered Hindu site. They also visited the National Memorial of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India, a beloved figure among the people.
As they removed their shoes to enter the National Memorial, Suman felt a surge of positive energy, and the experience left a lasting impression on her. Along with other tourists, they paid their respects to the People’s President at his resting place inside the memorial. On her first trip to South India, Suman was in awe of Rameswaram and Madurai’s grand temples and the simplicity and greatness of Dr. Abdul Kalam’s life.
The museum or pilgrimage dedicated to Dr Abdul Kalam is less hyped than other places, but it has found a prominent position on the tourism map of Rameswaram. Even the local auto-rickshaw drivers, who offer tour packages, recommend visiting the museum as a priority. Besides the museum, Dr Abdul Kalam’s childhood home has been converted into another museum, maintained by his elder brother, displaying family memorabilia and photographs.
For a detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice
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