HomeENGLISHIslam's Stance on Crime, Drugs, and Societal Responsibility

Islam’s Stance on Crime, Drugs, and Societal Responsibility

Islam acknowledges this through human intellect and Quranic/Hadith principles, essential for a righteous life, underlining their importance.

Islam’s stance on crime and drug use underscores societal responsibility in combating these issues. It categorically condemns criminal activities, viewing them as a threat to the well-being of communities and the individual’s spiritual journey. This has, regrettably, led to unwarranted hostility towards Islam and Muslims.

In this discourse, we delve into the perspective of Islamic scriptures—the Holy Quran and Hadith—and the stance of Islamic institutions on drugs, crime, and their criminalization.

As a faith, Islam staunchly condemns criminality and prescribes severe punishments for wrongdoers. Islam stresses eliminating crime for a wholesome society, asserting collective responsibility across all segments of society for this mission.

A Hadith proclaims, “Each of you is like a responsible guardian, to be asked about on the Day of Judgment” (Bukhari, Muslim). Another instructs, “If you witness wrongdoing, thwart it physically; if unable, do so verbally; if still not feasible, detest the action” (Muslim).

Integral to a healthy and tranquil life are sound bodily organs. Islam acknowledges this through human intellect and Quranic/Hadith principles, essential for a righteous life, underlining their importance.

Fatwa No. 1176 underscores the prohibition of consuming even a drop of prevailing ‘alcohol.’ Fatwa No. 1367 unequivocally declares intoxicants, including marijuana, opium, and cannabis, forbidden (haram) due to their impairing nature. Fatwa No. 1020 firmly declares substances harming vital organs as entirely forbidden.

The vexing question arises: Why do some Muslims flout these tenets? Addressing this requires eradicating illiteracy, nurturing human capital, and transcending political agendas that exploit vulnerable demographics. Raising awareness about the serious consequences on religion and society is crucial, especially in rural areas.

It’s time for collective action to be with Islam’s stance. Let us unite in a movement that steers society away from crime and drug abuse. Aligning with Islamic principles fosters positive change, guarding youth from crime’s dangers and securing a brighter future for everyone.

For a detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

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