HomeENGLISHKidney Dysfunction and its Consequences on Health

Kidney Dysfunction and its Consequences on Health

Without proper treatment, kidney damage can worsen and require dialysis or transplantation.

When kidneys fail to function properly, they are unable to filter waste and toxins from the body, leading to various health issues such as gout, anaemia, thyroid problems, bone disease, heart disease, and fluid retention. This accumulation of toxins can cause nausea, loss of appetite, and swelling and can even lead to breathlessness if fluid accumulates in the lungs.

Apart from filtering blood, kidneys also regulate blood pressure, produce vitamin D for bone and muscle health, and create the erythropoietin hormone for blood formation. Lack of these functions can cause high blood pressure, weakness, fatigue, irritability, and breathlessness. Without proper treatment, kidney damage can worsen and require dialysis or transplantation.

For a detailed story, visit: Hindustan Times

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