In the vibrant city of Bikaner, Rajasthan, a unique Diwali tradition unfolds each year. “Mahfil-e-Ramayan,” a gathering of Urdu literature enthusiasts, comes together to celebrate the festival by reciting couplets from the Urdu Ramayana, penned by the eminent Moulvi Badshah Hussain Khan Rana Lucknavi in 1935. This event stands as a testament to the inclusive culture of India, embodying the nation’s communal harmony and religious tolerance.
The Literary Maestro: Maulvi Badshah Hussain Khan Rana Lucknavi
Moulvi Badshah Hussain Khan Rana Lucknavi, a well-known poet of Bikaner, holds a special place in the literary landscape. His magnum opus, the Urdu Ramayana, emerged at the behest of a Kashmiri Pandit disciple, showcasing the interfaith bonds that have long been a hallmark of Indian society. Despite his numerous poetic creations, the Urdu Ramayana remains his most iconic work.
Recognition and Honors
The significance of Rana Lucknavi’s Urdu Ramayana transcends regional boundaries. Banaras Hindu University bestowed a gold medal upon his book, recognizing its cultural and literary value. Notably, Maharaja Ganga Singh of Bikaner went a step further, incorporating this literary gem into the school curriculum, ensuring its enduring impact on generations to come.
The Educator and Poet of Bikaner
Beyond his literary contributions, Moulvi Badshah Hussain Khan Rana Lucknavi played a pivotal role as an educator. Teaching Urdu and Persian in Bikaner, he contributed to the cultural tapestry of the city. His teachings not only enriched the linguistic landscape but also fostered a deeper understanding of cultural diversity.
Mahfil-e-Ramayan: Organized Commemoration
The Urdu Ramayana tradition in Bikaner is meticulously organized under the auspices of the Tourism Writers’ Association, led by Dr. Ziaul Hasan Qadri, in collaboration with the District Institute of Education and Training in Bikaner. This collaborative effort ensures the continued celebration of Urdu literature, fostering unity and understanding among diverse communities, and making Mahfil-e-Ramayan a symbol of India’s rich cultural heritage.
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