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Poonam Sehrawat: The Environmentalist, Social Worker, and Influencer Who is Saving the Planet and Empowering Women

Poonam Sehrawat's work through Save Prithvi Foundation is truly inspiring. Her dedication to the environment and empowering women has significantly impacted society.

Poonam Sehrawat is an accomplished environmentalist, social worker, and influencer. Poonam Sehrawat founded Save Prithvi Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to protecting the environment and empowering underprivileged women. Her early passion for the environment has made her a leading voice in the fight against climate change.

Converting Waste to Wealth: A Game-Changing Technique

Save Prithvi Foundation’s primary focus is on converting waste to wealth. Innovative techniques allow the organization to turn waste into usable products, such as paper bags, handicrafts, and compost. By doing so, they are reducing waste and contributing to a circular economy, where waste is not seen as garbage but as a valuable resource.

Empowering Women Through Skill-Based Programs

One of the core missions of Save Prithvi Foundation is to empower underprivileged women by providing them with skills-based training. Women are given the tools to become self-sufficient and financially independent through various programs, such as stitching, handicrafts, and paper bag making. Poonam Sehrawat firmly believes that by empowering women, we can create a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Flower Recycling Technology: Protecting the Environment and Creating Livelihoods

One of the most exciting programs Save Prithvi Foundation offers is Flower Recycling Technology. This program collects and transforms flowers from religious ceremonies and other events into compost and incense sticks. By doing so, they are preventing flowers from being discarded in rivers and other water bodies, where they can harm aquatic life. Additionally, this program provides livelihoods for hundreds of underprivileged women involved in collecting, processing, and distributing recycled flowers.

Impact on Society and the Environment

Poonam Sehrawat’s work through Save Prithvi Foundation has significantly impacted society and the environment. By converting waste to wealth, they reduce the amount of waste in landfills, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, by empowering women, they are creating a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Finally, the Flower Recycling Technology program protects the environment by preventing flowers from being discarded in rivers and other water bodies, which can harm aquatic life.

Conclusion: Poonam Sehrawat’s Legacy

Poonam Sehrawat’s work through Save Prithvi Foundation is truly inspiring. Her dedication to the environment and empowering women has significantly impacted society. By converting waste to wealth, they contribute to a circular economy, where waste is not seen as garbage but as a valuable resource. The Flower Recycling Technology program also protects the environment by preventing flowers from being discarded in rivers and other water bodies. Poonam Sehrawat’s legacy will inspire future generations to protect the environment and uplift underprivileged women’s living standards.

Also Read: Shahida Khanam’s Noor Centre

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