HomeENGLISHStrategic Imperative Of Clear Thinking In Shaping The New Idea Of India

Strategic Imperative Of Clear Thinking In Shaping The New Idea Of India

'A New Idea of India' contends that to propel India forward, it's imperative to reimagine its identity, given the evolution of emotions and realities.

“Fresh political ideas ignite aspirations and change, yet their success hinges on pragmatic implementation rather than blind emotion. A recent addition to intellectual discourse, ‘A New Idea of India,’ penned by scholars Harsh Madhusudan and Rajeev Mantri, sparks a compelling debate when contrasted with Sunil Khilnani‘s renowned work, ‘The Idea of India.’ Khilnani’s book delves into post-1947 India, showcasing the inclusive vision of early leaders in the aftermath of Partition trauma.

‘A New Idea of India’ contends that to propel India forward, it’s imperative to reimagine its identity, given the evolution of emotions and realities. It critiques past failures in following through on ‘The Idea of India,’ asserting that identity politics, a root cause of Partition, has exacerbated since Independence. The book attributes discontent among Hindus and Muslims to divisive policies, highlighting the need for sensitive reforms.

Amid the dominance of social media in shaping opinions, the voices of resonating intellectuals have waned while public discourse has grown chaotic. Disillusionment simmers among Hindus and non-Hindus alike, driven by past partisan attitudes and delayed Muslim social reforms. The authors stress urgent attention to bridge self-centric divides.

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