HomeENGLISHKashmir's Haakeems: Traditional Unani Healing Adapts to Modern Times

Kashmir’s Haakeems: Traditional Unani Healing Adapts to Modern Times

Kashmiris trust Hakeems, traditional healers using local herbs. Dr. Naqshbandi of Srinagar's Unani Hospital says Unani medicine complements modern treatments, especially for lifestyle diseases. Doctors personalize treatments for each patient.

In Kashmir, many people still trust traditional healers called Hakeems. These wise men use local herbs to treat various illnesses. Even though modern medicine is popular, Kashmiris often visit Hakeems for common and unusual health problems. Dr. Mohammad Farooq Naqshbandi, who runs the Government Unani Hospital in Srinagar, says Unani medicine isn’t a replacement for modern treatment. Instead, it offers a way to treat lifestyle-related illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Unani doctors create personalised treatments based on each patient’s health.

COVID-19 Boosts Interest in Traditional Medicine

During the COVID-19 pandemic, more people became interested in AYUSH treatments. AYUSH includes traditional Indian medicine systems like Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, and Homeopathy. People thought these treatments might help boost immunity against the virus. Dr. Naqshbandi explains that Unani medicine uses natural remedies to improve the body’s defences. He believes it can help prevent and control COVID-related problems.

Combining Old and New in Kashmir’s Healthcare

The Government Unani Hospital in Srinagar is a 50-bed facility that opened in 2003. It’s now linked to the Government Unani Medical College in Ganderbal, which started in 2011. The hospital has modern equipment like X-ray machines and offers special treatments such as cupping, full body massages, and leech therapy. Every day, about 25 specialised doctors treat 400 to 500 patients at the hospital. Most patients come from rural areas. The hospital can handle many health issues, including muscle and bone problems, diabetes, and even some surgeries.

Dr. Naqshbandi, who has a Ph.D. in cancer treatment, says that Kashmir is rich in medicinal plants. He notes that some families of Hakeems still carry on the tradition of herbal medicine. By combining these old practices with modern facilities, Kashmir’s Unani medicine is finding its place in today’s healthcare system.

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

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