HomeENGLISHIndians Globally Unite In Prayers For Chandrayaan-3's Landing Success

Indians Globally Unite In Prayers For Chandrayaan-3’s Landing Success

The social media landscape mirrors the nation's vigorous spirit as people actively track the mission's progress through captivating ISRO-released images.

With over four billion hearts collectively pounding in anticipation and minds and hands joined in hopeful prayers, India’s vibrant wait for the triumphant touchdown of Chandrayaan-3, the nation’s third lunar odyssey, is nearing its climax. The slated moment of truth is 6:04 pm Indian Standard Time, as the mission’s lander aims for a delicate rendezvous on the lunar South Pole.

This exhilarating event transcends societal boundaries, encompassing all ages, classes, and nationalities. Even the Indian Diaspora, scattered across the globe, particularly in the United States, is partaking in this momentous occasion, uniting in prayers and rituals for the mission’s triumph.

In Lucknow, Muslim students orchestrated a special Namaz, a prayer, praying for Chandrayaan-3’s success. This collective effort underscores the mission’s significance and the unity it has instilled among diverse segments of Indian society.

The virtual realm is ablaze with fervour as hashtags like #Chandrayaan-3 and #Chandrayaan-3landing dominate X (formerly Twitter), maintaining their trend for days. The social media landscape mirrors the nation’s vigorous spirit as people actively track the mission’s progress through captivating ISRO-released images. A pinnacle of this excitement arrived when ISRO’s chairman, S. Somanath, expressed unwavering assurance in the lander Vikram’s soft landing capabilities. Even in the unlikely event of double engine failure, Vikram houses a fail-safe mechanism to pursue its mission objectives.

For a detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

Also Read: Chandni Begum: The Courtesan Poetess

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