HomeENGLISHAllama Shibli Nomani: A Hidden Hero of India's Freedom Struggle 

Allama Shibli Nomani: A Hidden Hero of India’s Freedom Struggle 

British intelligence in 1912 criticized Maulana Shibli for advocating Muslim-Hindu unity, accusing him of distorting history and betraying his community. They viewed his approach as seditious and potentially harmful to Muslim interests.

Allama Shibli Nomani (1857-1915), born in Azamgarh, was a renowned Islamic scholar and educator. Lesser known is his role as a courageous freedom fighter, adding depth to his legacy of intellectual and patriotic contributions. 

Shibli believed Muslims should join the Indian National Congress, not the Muslim League. He wanted Hindus and Muslims to work together against the British. This idea was very bold at that time. 

Shibli’s Influence on Other Freedom Fighters 

Shibli taught and guided many important freedom fighters. One of them was Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a top leader in India’s freedom struggle. Azad learned a lot from Shibli, especially about questioning British rule and working with the common people. 

Another of Shibli’s students was Maulana Hasrat Mohani. He created the famous slogan “Inquilab Zindabad” (Long Live the Revolution). Shibli even helped Mohani open a shop selling only Indian goods, supporting the Swadeshi Movement. 

Shibli’s Fight Against British Rule 

The British government knew Shibli was dangerous for them. They kept a close watch on him. In 1912, Shibli wrote an article criticising Muslim leaders. He said they should talk about issues affecting all Indians, not just Muslims. He wanted Muslims to work more closely with Hindus. 

In a 1914 speech in Delhi, Shibli attacked the British idea that white people were better than others. He asked how a country that believed this could call itself civilized. 

Shibli’s work scared the British because he was bringing Hindus and Muslims together. This unity was what the British feared most. They even banned some of Shibli’s poems and writings. 

Shibli Nomani was more than just a scholar. He was a forward-thinking leader who fought for India’s freedom by promoting unity and challenging British rule. His teachings influenced many other freedom fighters and continue to inspire people today. 

For detailed story, please visit: Awaz the voice

Also Read:The Magic of Storytelling: Shazi Zaman 

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