HomeENGLISHProtecting the Rights And Welfare Of Daughters: An Overview Of India's Laws

Protecting the Rights And Welfare Of Daughters: An Overview Of India’s Laws

In India, there are several laws in place to protect the rights and welfare of daughters. These laws address gender discrimination, domestic violence, child marriage, dowry, and sexual harassment. The most notable laws in this regard include the Pre-Conception & Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.

Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961

The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013. The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986, the Hindu Succession Act in 2005, and the Equal Remuneration Act 1976.

Pre-Conception & Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994

The Pre-Conception & Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994, commonly known as the PCPNDT Act, was enacted to prevent the misuse of prenatal diagnostic techniques for sex-selective abortions. The Act makes it illegal to disclose the sex of the fetus, to conduct prenatal diagnostic techniques to determine the sex of the fetus and to advertise or display any information regarding prenatal diagnostic techniques. This Act aims to curb the practice of female foeticide, which has led to a significant imbalance in the sex ratio in India.

Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006

The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 makes child marriage illegal in India. Under the Act, a child is defined as anyone under 18, and anyone who performs conducts or abets a child marriage can be punished with imprisonment and a fine. The Act also provides for the annulment of child marriages and empowers the courts to provide maintenance and support to the child bride.

Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005

The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 protects women from domestic violence, including physical, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse. The Act enables women to seek legal remedies such as restraining orders, residence orders, and monetary relief. It also provides for the appointment of protection officers and service providers to assist victims of domestic violence.

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013 prohibits sexual harassment of women. It provides for the constitution of an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in every organization to deal with complaints of sexual harassment. The Act also makes it mandatory for employers to provide a safe working environment for women.

Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986

The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1986 prohibits the indecent representation of women through publication, advertisement, or any other means. The Act also prohibits the display of any object or representation that is likely to deprave or corrupt people who are likely to see it.

Hindu Succession Act 2005

The Hindu Succession Act 2005 provides equal inheritance rights for daughters and sons in Hindu Undivided Families. It also gives daughters the right to inherit property from their father and mother, regardless of whether the property is ancestral or non-ancestral.

Equal Remuneration Act 1976

The Equal Remuneration Act 1976 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex in recruitment, promotion, or other terms of employment. The Act also provides equal remuneration to men and women for work of equal value.

In conclusion, India has a range of laws protecting daughters’ rights and welfare. These laws address gender discrimination, domestic violence, child marriage, dowry, and sexual harassment.

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